Monday, 04 September 2023 10:28

GloryGospelTV Special Report: Renowned Evangelist Pastor Tang Chong Rong's Farewell Crusade in the Eastern United States (New York).

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"GloryGospelTV Commentator: Today, with deep respect and anticipation, we bring you some great news. The renowned evangelist, Pastor Tang Chong Rong, whose name is known far and wide, is about to host a highly anticipated farewell crusade in New York. This will be a Spirit-filled, glorious event, exalting the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it's an exciting occasion as New York hasn't witnessed such a large-scale unified crusade in many years. 

This crusade provides us with a rare opportunity for spiritual awakening and personal growth. It will also inspire Christians and seekers in New York to come together and reflect on the remarkable contributions of this elder statesman in the faith and religious realm for over half a century. We will also delve into the footprints and legacy left behind by this respected evangelist in New York.
Pastor Tang Chong Rong is not only an evangelist and theologian but also excels in music, philosophy, history, art, and architecture. He is also a hymn composer. He has always been a spiritual leader, and his preaching and missionary work have earned him respect from believers and the wider society. His Reformed faith has not only been proclaimed within the church but also conveyed the power of Reformed faith on a global scale.
This farewell crusade will be a special moment, a precious time for us to celebrate Pastor Tang Chong Rong's lifetime of proclaiming the true path of Christ. We will revisit his preaching achievements and reflect on his steadfastness in faith. While Pastor Tang Chong Rong may bid farewell to New York, the imprint and radiance of Jesus Christ in him will continue to inspire us, encouraging believers to spread love, peace, and hope, and to fulfill the mission entrusted to us by our Lord Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, we collectively look forward to and wish for the resounding success of Pastor Tang Chong Rong's farewell crusade. We pray for God's blessings and peace to accompany him wherever he goes in the future. Let us join in blessing him, expressing gratitude for his dedication, and continuing to spread the message of love, steadfastness, and Reformed faith that he advocates.
May God bless Pastor Tang Chong Rong, and may God bless all those who place their trust in Jesus Christ. Spreading the salvation of Jesus Christ is the eternal mission of 'Honoring Gospel Television.'
Note: The first video on this page features information about Pastor Tang Chong Rong at the Lincoln Center, and the second video showcases Pastor Tang Chong Rong conducting a choir ensemble (Archival footage from 2011)."

 Lincoln Center of New York in 2011 Lincoln Center of New York in 2011 Christians and catechumens who can't wait to enter the hall of the evangelistic meeting



Pastor Tang Chongrong's farewell evangelistic meeting in the eastern United States (please refer to the first picture on this page)

Event time: September 22-24, 2023
Contact : 917-727-8875
Venue: Riverside Church, New York
Address: 490 Riverside Dr, New York, NY 10027